Indication for use per 100 kg BW : Min. 500 g –Max. 2000 g
Packaging bag of 15 kg.
Additional Information & Education SAFE FOR YOUR SPECIAL NEEDS HORSE The low levels of sugar (3%) and starch (5%) in FiberForce avoid the quick absorption of sugars in the small intestine, preventing rapid spikes in blood sugar known to aggravate existing metabolic disorders. This feed is designed to release evenly and slowly throughout the day to help reduce bursts of insulin in the blood, making it safe for horses prone to laminitis, ulcers, tying-up, equine polysaccharide storage myopathy (PSSM) or other muscle disorders.
ENERGY FROM FATS Horses performing aerobic activity use oxygen to draw energy from fat sources. Fat is an important component for the diet of a horse performing in any endurance sport. It's important to provide the proper amounts of fat in the horse's diet, as research indicates there is little difference between the effectiveness of a diet with 7-8% fat or many of the high fat formulas currently available.
ALFALFA STEMS The stems of alfalfa are high fiber and can help reduce the acidity in the stomach. The long stems encourage horses to chew, which helps them produce more saliva. Saliva helps buffer acid production in the stomach. Long fibers also help slow the passage of feed through the digestive tract.