kaolin with Arnica, Mint and Devil's Claw
Arnica mint clay contains the following substances:
- KAOLIN : white clay composed of a high content of silica (40-45%), alumina (10-15%), potassium, iron and magnesium. Kaolin has an exceptional ability to absorb large quantities of gas and water. It can neutralize viruses and bacteria, preventing their proliferation, promoting regeneration of the skin and blood, disinfecting infected wounds. In fact, it has healing, balancing, re-mineralizing and stimulating properties.
- ARNICA : This plant has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-ecchymotic properties. The classic use against the ecchymosis resulting from sprains and bruises (as long as the skin is intact and not abraded) and in the treatment of rheumatic revulsive for the effect of its active ingredients, which stimulates circulation in the bruised, reabsorbing any ecchymotic extravasations.
- DEVIL’s CLAW : This plant contains a lot of principles with anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antispasmodic action.
Thoroughly clean the affected area, spreads massaging the product with care to facilitate the absorption when use as a moisturizing after training or after the competition, leave to dry and remove with a brush. when use in the recovery tendon or muscle wrap and let stand for 12 hours.